Specializing in Professional Radon Measurement of Fha-insured Multifamily Housing, Schools & More

Commercial & Residential Radon Testing in Illinois
ARC-1 Radon is certified, licensed, insured, and has seven years of experience in the radon measurement business. We specialize in professional radon measurement of single-family and multifamily housing, schools, daycare centers, and other commercial buildings. We primarily focus on the Illinois counties of St. Clair, Madison, Monroe & Clinton. Commercial & Multifamily radon measurement is available throughout much of the Midwestern United States, including Illinois & Missouri.
About Us
ARC-1 Radon Detection company is owned and operated by Saundra Sininger, who is dedicated to the highest standard of excellence and ethical performance in the radon measurement industry. She is
With 20 years of active duty in the Air Force, we will bring you the highest quality services. We provide residential radon testing in the St. Louis Metro-East area.

How It Works
We specialize in radon testing and do not perform mitigation, so there is no conflict of interest. HUD's Office of Multifamily Housing requires radon testing for most FHA-insured multifamily mortgages (MAP or TAP applications). HUD’s policy requires the radon measurement to be performed by a radon professional both certified (by NRPP or NRSB) and State licensed where it is applicable.